Monday, March 10, 2014

March 9th Hike: We got by with a little help from our friends

Yesterday’s hike was great. Seven miles up and back to the top of Bell Pass. Each time we go out, new folks join us. Today Will, Anthony's best buddy, came out to hike for a little while with us along with his awesome mom and 2 dogs. Anthony was so excited! 

Darrell and Mike from the Phoenix Fire department came out and brought two new guys, Tupac and Taqua. It was also nice to have Bob from the Gilbert Fire Department out again as well. Tina and Tim our Canyon experts came and brought a friend that Tina was training for a rim to rim experience (yes, 47 miles!). Lizzy, our trail angel (as Oliver calls her), had to slow her “bad-ass self” down a little so she could learn to be in back lifting the chair. Each position takes a completely different approach and changes as the terrain changes. The team learns more and more each week about how to handle turns, drops and steps. They are experimenting with different holds, gear and solutions for every possible scenario. I am so grateful to everyone one of them for being part of this experience. It is absolutely amazing to see a group of this size, with this much talent, be humble and work so hard together with no egos what-so-ever to make this dream come true for one family. It just brings me to tears every time I think about it! 

We have been debating whether to take Kaibab down and Bright Angel up or Bright Angel both ways. The pros of South Kaibab down were that it is shorter and very pretty. It’s also perhaps a little smoother so Anthony can be rolled a little rather than carried.  Bright Angel has high steps. It’s also less crowded and no mules. However, I think the majority of us are leaning towards Bright Angel since there is water, shade, and help if we need it. It is a lot less steep since its 2.5 miles longer so a little easier on the knees carrying. Also when it’s windy South Kaibab can be scary with all the exposure and ridges.

Linda from daring adventures came out this time and we talked a lot about the logistics of the base camps as well as the duffel service. We have mules carrying the gear down for the men carrying Anthony so it will makes things more pleasurable for everyone involved. Thank God we have her to help coordinate that!

Anthony got a little sore this time and we needed to stand him up to get the blood flowing. Oliver fell behind when we were going up the switchbacks. I told him he could wait there since it was an up and back and I left him. There we were at the top eating and taking in some fluids and a great view, and we look down and there is our awesome son climbing the hardest part of the hike with total determination. He refused to be left behind. LOVE that kid!

This week we will continue to collect donations, go after sponsors and gather items needed for the trip. We will be doing another training hike next Saturday at 9am. Please let us know if you want to come out and get inspired! We would love to have you. Soon I will be posting a slide show on the blog of all the team members along with quotes as to why they are doing this. 

On this hike, I thought a lot about humility and how many people are helping us. Asking for help has never been my strong suit. I realize now that as Anthony needs more help, I need more help too. I understand now that letting my pride stand in the way, is not only robbing Anthony of all these connections, but also robbing others of the joy they are experiencing and the lessons they are learning by helping. Things like this Grand Canyon Adventure could never happen without the help of many and the kindness of strangers. I do see the big picture and even though there are many days where things seem small, there are even more days where I see this is so much bigger than just Anthony and our family. This is about all of us.

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